Flash Reserved Word Listing |
Flash Player 2 |
on |
Flash Player 3 |
ifFrameLoaded |
Flash Player 4 |
add, and, break, case, continue, default, do, else, eq, ge, gt, if, le, lt, ne, not, or, switch, tellTarget, while |
Flash Player 5 |
delete, for, function, in, new, onClipEvent, return, this, typeof, var, void, with |
Flash Player 6 |
instanceof |
Flash Player 7 |
catch, finally, throw, try |
ActionScript 2.0 - Flash Player 6 |
class, dynamic, extends, get, implements, import, interface, intrinsic, private, public, set, static |
"Special" Functions and Constants |
call, duplicateMovieClip, eval, fscommand, getProperty, getTimer, getURL, getVersion, gotoAndPlay, gotoAndStop, int, length, loadMovie, loadMovieNum, loadVariables, loadVariablesNum, mbchr, mblength, mbord, mbsubstring, NaN, nextFrame, nextScene, Number, ord, play, prevFrame, prevScene, print, printNum, random, removeMovieClip, set, setProperty, startDrag, stop, stopAllSounds, stopDrag, substring, targetPath, toggleHighQuality, trace, unloadMovie, unloadMovieNum |
Reserved for future use |
abstract, boolean, byte, char, const, debugger, double, enum, export, final, float, goto, int, long, native, package, protected, short, synchronized, throws, transient, volatile |